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dream bigger

So you’ve been thinking about your website and wonder if you need to change it somehow, freshen it up, make it work better for your business.

If you’re even asking yourself the question, it’s probably time for a new website or a major redesign.

I’ve been creating websites since 1999, so people frequently ask: “How do if know if I need a new website?” Here’s the short list.


1) You don’t have a website.

We say this all the time: If you’re not online, you’re not in business. We’re not talking about a LinkedIn profile or a Facebook page. Having a professional website makes your business legitimate.


2) It’s been 2-3 years (or longer) since your website launch or your last major redesign.

Because technology is constant changing and because users (your potential customers) demand up-to-date, relevant content and an engaging online experience, most websites need a major overhaul at least every three years. For creative businesses, I recommend redesigning every two years. More than likely, your business direction, focus and/or brand has evolved significantly since your last website design. Your website should convey your business the way it is now, with an eye on the future.


3) Your website isn’t mobile-friendly.

As predicted, Google announced in 2015 that more searches were being performed on mobile devices than on desktop computers. Google then stopped ranking websites that aren’t mobile-friendly in search results if the search was done on a mobile device. The good news: It’s easy to create a WordPress website that looks great and functions well on desktops, laptops, tablets and phones. See details here.


4) The end of your website’s page URLs says ‘.html.’

This is a dead giveaway that your website is built using old technology and is most likely not mobile-friendly. HTML is the code that makes up websites. Back in the day, most websites were built with the design/development team creating page after page of code “by hand” to achieve the look, feel and functionality of a website. Then, an essentially separate website had to be created, again by hand, for mobile screens. That’s why websites were so expensive. Today, we have a number of website platforms to choose from that cut the design/dev time required dramatically, so the cost has come down. All of my websites today are built on WordPress, the most popular, efficient and supported CMS platform available.


5) Your current website was built on a DIY service like Wix, Webly, or Squarespace.

These services target unsuspecting entrepreneurs, professionals and small businesses with their propaganda, boasting about how easy it is to build your own website. Don’t be fooled. Your DIY website will not look professional. It will have no SEO value. And you’ll pay much more in the long run to “convert” to a real website when you realize you were scammed. Read more here.

If you have a website, you know that producing it was a major project. If it was done well, it was worth the investment in terms of brand awareness, credibility in the marketplace and online sales. That doesn’t mean the process is over. The best, most effective websites are constantly evolving – just like your business.

Think about whether your current website meets the criteria for eye-catching, message-driven, user-friendly design demanded in today’s online world.

I invite you to dream bigger about your business and your website.


Getting started.

Now’s the time to get started with a redesign so your new site is launched in time for the holidays and new year. Here are some examples of redesigns we’ve completed recently.

Sigma Labs Inc.

Juliet Erickson

CRE4U/Shelly Branscom

Clear Blue Sky Digital


J N Gruber Group

More samples of our work are in our portfolio.

Ready to get started? I offer a complimentary 20-minute consultation to review your website design needs. We also offer a comprehensive website audit including a full technical and design assessment with detailed recommendations. Email me for information.

allison rae

Based in southern California, Allison is a brand marketing expert and web designer with an extensive background in consumer and business-to-business marketing. She's also a professional photographer. Her passion is blending creativity with business savvy to achieve results with her clients. Sōlfire Creative is the third iteration of her marketing agency.

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