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2022 marketing checklist

Small business owners: Don’t start the new year behind.

Take a tip from big companies. Yes, it’s important to be attentive to sales and hitting targets as the end of the year approaches. It’s also time to plan for the year ahead.

If you’re looking to grow your business (and who isn’t!), review and planning are essential.

Here’s our pre-2022 checklist:

1 2021 marketing review: Take a step back and look at your 2021 marketing program. What worked well and what didn’t? Did you reach your targets? In what ways has the market shifted in the past 12, 18, 24 months that affect your business with all the ups and downs of the pandemic? Do you need to adjust again?

2 2022 marketing plan: What are your marketing plans for 2022? Do you need to make some changes in order to achieve new goals? Consider all the marketing tools a small business needs: A strategy for success, eye-catching promotional materials with strong messaging, the right communication channels and media outlets, effective ways to develop relationships that lead to sales.

3 website design: How’s the design of your website holding up? Is it outdated? Is it mobile-friendly? Is the messaging relevant? Is it easy for users to navigate and find what they need? We recommend a web design refresh every two years for most businesses.

4 website maintenance: Backend maintenance is essential to keep your website secure and functioning smoothly. Updates are released continuously, which means maintenance is needed at least every three months.

5 branding/rebranding: How is your brand expressed in the marketplace? Are your target customers engaging with you and your business? Does your messaging effectively communicate your brand essence and value proposition? Don’t underestimate the importance of keeping your brand relevant and fresh in a rapidly changing marketplace.

6 digital advertising: Is your web presence optimized for search engines? How much attention is Google paying to your business? How effective is your social media strategy? Whether you sell online or just promote your business there, your success depends on keeping up with the latest trends and technology.


there is a season

Q4 invites reflection on the year drawing to a close and celebration of the opportunities that lie ahead. As a marketing professional, I love helping businesses tap into the magic of this special time.

As a photographer and designer, there’s no more creative time of year. I love the play of light and shadow as the sun hangs lower in the sky. The changing palette of the landscape inspires the imagination. It’s a perfect time for creative branding, web design and photography.


let’s connect

Get in the groove now and thrive in the new year. Schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.


allison rae

Based in southern California, Allison is a brand marketing expert and web designer with an extensive background in consumer and business-to-business marketing. She's also a professional photographer. Her passion is blending creativity with business savvy to achieve results with her clients. Sōlfire Creative is the third iteration of her marketing agency.

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