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rebranding from chaos

If chaos theory is right, something new and potentially better is on the way.

Within the seemingly random events of today’s world, systems are reorganizing and adapting to rapidly changing conditions. Savvy businesses are evaluating, responding and reconfiguring to meet current and future needs. Entrepreneurs always adapt.


allison rae design is now sōlfire creative

At the beginning of the Covid lockdown, I decided to take this temporary downtime to focus on my business. I’d been wanting to rebrand for a few years but the perfect name was elusive. I’d been doing business under Allison Rae Design partly because I believe in the power of personal branding and also because I didn’t have a better idea.

In mid-April, the name came. Sōlfire Creative reflects the essence of my work. I strive to identify what makes each client’s business unique and bring the brand to life through strategic marketing and creative excellence. Helping small to mid-sized businesses thrive is my professional passion.

It took a month to finesse the new logo and work through design and technical challenges. And another month to shepherd the name through government and banking channels.

Through the process of creating this third iteration of my marketing agency, I rediscovered how much dedication and vision rebranding requires. It’s almost easier to establish a business from scratch than it is to revamp an existing brand. But the effort is more than worth it.


what will you create?

For anyone who’s considering a major change in your business in response to or in step with the torrent of change sweeping the planet, here are some ideas and resources you may find helpful. We’re also offering cost-conscious website packages to support smaller businesses through this crisis.

As always, I offer a complimentary consultation/brainstorming session to help business owners identify opportunities and communicate effectively. My team of creative and tech professionals have navigated economic ups and downs in the past. We all agree this one is the most intriguing and offers incredible potential for savvy  entrepreneurs.

Get in touch and let me know how we can help.


allison rae

Based in southern California, Allison is a brand marketing expert and web designer with an extensive background in consumer and business-to-business marketing. She's also a professional photographer. Her passion is blending creativity with business savvy to achieve results with her clients. Sōlfire Creative is the third iteration of her marketing agency.

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