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do you need a marketing coach?

If you don’t have marketing expertise or a plan, the answer is yes.

Every business owner understands the importance of planning. Only the successful ones actually do it.

Fourth quarter is the time of year when busy executives set aside some time to work on their game plan for the coming year. And business planning always leads to questions about marketing.

Start with year-end projections and evaluate what worked and what didn’t. Did you achieve your goals, attract the number and types of clients you wanted and hit your revenue targets in 2017?

Taking the time to evaluate performance, make adjustments and chart out a new plan is critical to your overall success.

expert marketing = success.

In the early stages in the life of a business, many CEOs handle the marketing function themselves, often resulting in spotty results and high burnout. The savvy entrepreneur realizes that a seat-of-the-pants marketing effort may have worked (for the most part) up to now, but the future of the company depends on a more disciplined approach.

We provide strategic direction, creative services and ongoing support to small and mid-sized businesses poised for growth. Our team draws on decades of consumer and business-to-business marketing experience with clients ranging from Fortune companies like Procter & Gamble to growth-oriented small and mid-size businesses, professional firms and non-profits.

how to evaluate your needs.

If you find yourself in a situation like any of these, you would benefit from outside marketing expertise:

  • Flat sales.
  • Low customer retention rate.
  • New product or service launch.
  • Planned expansion into new lines of business or a new geographic region.
  • Weak brand recognition in the marketplace.
  • Public relations challenges.
  • Lack of marketing expertise.
  • No marketing strategy or metrics in place.
  • Outside perspective needed.
  • Training for in-house marketing staff.

When contracting with a coach or consultant, look for relevant experience and a good match with your business culture.

not just online.

Most businesses benefit from a marketing program featuring both online and offline strategies.

We specialize in designing integrated marketing programs to achieve your company’s business goals. These include online and offline marketing tactics that you can manage in-house or handle with contractors.

Our relationship may last weeks, months, days or years. Each business has different needs and preferences. So each coaching relationship is unique.

good for your health.

The economic health of a community is directly related to the success of its small businesses. We thrive on helping smaller companies grow into viable long-term businesses, creating a brighter future for us all.

Right now we’re coaching several firms reaching for higher, faster growth in 2018. Perhaps we can help your business, too. Email us for a complimentary 20-minute consultation to find out if we might be a good fit.

allison rae

Based in southern California, Allison is a brand marketing expert and web designer with an extensive background in consumer and business-to-business marketing. She's also a professional photographer. Her passion is blending creativity with business savvy to achieve results with her clients. Sōlfire Creative is the third iteration of her marketing agency.

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